今天查資料發現到的單字,明明應該是機具類的應用,怎會出現這個"Venetian Blind"??
為什麼百頁窗的英文會是"Venetian Blind"呢??
威尼斯百頁窗於1769年12月11日由一名倫敦人Edward Beran申請專利,但實際上卻是由French long在更早的時候就發明了。
Venetian blinds were patented by Edward Beran in London on 11 December 1769, but in reality Venetian blinds were invented by the French long before then.
The early Venetians, who were great traders, are thought to have brought the idea of the blind from Persia to Venice. The Venetian slaves, once freed, are then thought to have brought the blind to France for personal comfort and as a means of livelihood.French name for Venetian blinds is "persiennes."
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Venetian blinds were widely adopted in office buildings to regulate light and air. A large modern complex in the US that adopted Venetian blinds was Rockefeller Center’s RCA Building (better known as the Radio City building) in New York City, completed in the 1930s.